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Classes and Workshops (online and in person on Kauai)

  • Belly Talks! Bezield Zwanger zijn en Bevallen
    Belly Talks! Bezield Zwanger zijn en Bevallen
    Mon, Apr 08
    High Vibrational zoom sessions
    Apr 08, 2024, 8:00 PM GMT+2
    High Vibrational zoom sessions
    Een cursus van 6 wekelijkse lessen Communiceer met het kindje in je buik tijdens zwanger schap met Christel Janssen . Ontwikkel zo een diepe non verbale telepathische band. Leer eenvoudige krachtige qigong oefeningen voor een optimale pijnloze bevalling in samenwerking met je kindje.
  • The Conscious Conception Group Sessions
    The Conscious Conception Group Sessions
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Apr 17
    6 weekly High Vibrational Zoom Sessions
    Apr 17, 2024, 1:30 PM HST – May 23, 2024, 2:30 PM HST
    6 weekly High Vibrational Zoom Sessions
    6 weekly sessions, How to develop a conscious bond with the soul of your baby. Understand the spiritual part of pregnancy. Develop deep trust in your body. Optimize your ovaries and womb. . Actualize your desire to conceive and send out a really clear signal. Join today and get started right now!!
  • Conscious Pregnancy and Birth Group Sessions
    Conscious Pregnancy and Birth Group Sessions
    Multiple Dates
    Wed, Apr 17
    6 High Vibrational Zoom Sessions
    Apr 17, 2024, 2:00 PM HST – May 23, 2024, 3:20 PM HST
    6 High Vibrational Zoom Sessions
    6 weeks Connect to the Soul of your Baby during Pregnancy for Optimum Birth and Beyond. Develop a telepathic non verbal bond with your baby. Practice simple yet powerful Qigong exercises to facilitate an easy painless birth in co creation with your baby. Create a healthy foundation for a lifetime!
  • Conscious Conception 6 Private Sessions
    Conscious Conception 6 Private Sessions
    6 weekly classes
    High Vibrational Zoom Session
    6 weekly classes
    High Vibrational Zoom Session
    6 weekly hourlong sessions with Christel Janssen. Enjoy the high vibrational live sessions, the healing and telepathic connection to your baby. Get support in your unique process. Clear any issues in your body that prevent a healthy conception. Trust your body and trust your baby.
  • Conscious Birth and Pregnancy Private Sessions
    Conscious Birth and Pregnancy Private Sessions
    Date and time is TBD
    6 High Vibrational Zoom Private Sessions
    Date and time is TBD
    6 High Vibrational Zoom Private Sessions
    6 weeks Connect to the Soul of your Baby during Pregnancy for Optimum Birth and Beyond. Develop a telepathic non verbal bond with your baby. Practice simple yet powerful Qigong exercises to facilitate an easy painless birth in co creation with your baby. Create a healthy foundation for a lifetime!
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